IMPORTANT:  Our Schedule will be changing slightly next week, with our lunch eating time moving to 12:20, and our outside play time moving to 12:40.  We hope this change will solve a few issues, such as avoiding congestion and wait times for students trying to get outside to play, extending their play time to 30 minutes, and allowing for larger blocks of time in the morning to complete literacy tasks.  Because the mornings will be longer, morning recess times will be extended on days we do not have Phys Ed.

***We are switching to a 'soft entry' on Monday morning, which means that students will be able to enter the school upon their arrival, and go straight to their classrooms.  A variety of activities, such as reading, drawing, coloring and independent math and word games will be available.  Students will be expected to wear their masks, stay at their assigned table spot, and be ready for learning at the bell.  It would be a great ideas to send an extra small snack, such as a granola bar, cheese string or piece of fruit with your child so that they are able to grab a quick bite to eat before our longer mornings begin.

Today in Art, we finished the background page for our About Me poem using watercolors. - AG

In math, we practiced showing numbers in different ways.  Standard Form, Expanded Form, Written Form, Chart Form and Base Ten Blocks. - RC

Secret Question:  Can your child show the number 7,462 in ALL of the above forms?

We had Music today.  In Music, we did a game called Seven.  This is when you make seven beats of something. - PK

In writing, we wrote about Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, about a time when we felt like something and another time when we felt like nothing. - JV

We finished coloring and blending our Alberta pages. - MB. 

As you can see, they turned out beautifully!



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