
Showing posts from September, 2020
 IMPORTANT:  Please check the following link for important school updates: Conferences will commence virtually at your scheduled time through Microsoft Teams.  If you would prefer a phone conference, please send me an email request which includes the phone number you would like me to call at your designated time. Also, on Tuesday afternoon at 4:00pm, all students and parents are asked to attend a quick Google Meet session.  The purpose of this session will be to ensure that all students and parents have access to Google Classroom, as well as to give you a quick virtual tour of our daily environment and some of the work we have been doing so far.  Google Classroom will be an essential resource throughout the year for all students, especially if they are away due to illness/isolation, or if we end up returning to online learning at any point.  PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR CHILD TO EXPLORE GOOGLE CLASSROOM
IMPORTANT:  Our Schedule will be changing slightly next week, with our lunch eating time moving to 12:20, and our outside play time moving to 12:40.  We hope this change will solve a few issues, such as avoiding congestion and wait times for students trying to get outside to play, extending their play time to 30 minutes, and allowing for larger blocks of time in the morning to complete literacy tasks.  Because the mornings will be longer, morning recess times will be extended on days we do not have Phys Ed. ***We are switching to a 'soft entry' on Monday morning, which means that students will be able to enter the school upon their arrival, and go straight to their classrooms.  A variety of activities, such as reading, drawing, coloring and independent math and word games will be available.  Students will be expected to wear their masks, stay at their assigned table spot, and be ready for learning at the bell.  It would be a great ideas to send an extra small snack, such as a g
 IMPORTANT:  If you have not already done so, please log onto My CBE Powerschool online booking system to book a conference time.  We will have a short dry run on Tuesday afternoon to make sure our virtual communication systems are working.  During this time, I will also have a short video to present, which will include things like our classroom environment, a few of our finished projects, as well as some of our work in progress.  I look forward to seeing you then! The kids had another fun-filled day of learning.  The highlight was using computers for the first time.  All students were very patient, waiting for help if they required it to log in, and ALL students were able to successfully get logged onto the computer, as well as into their Raz-Kids account.  For Monday, everyone will have their own computer card with all of their login information for each of the accounts we will bw using throughout the year.  Next time we have the computers, students will get to explore Google Drive,
 IMPORTANT:  Thank you to everyone who has handed in their school forms.  If you have not handed in yours yet, please turn them in to the teacher as soon as possible. ***We have had a few incidents of students being hurt outside during recess and lunch recess as a result of rough play.  Please remind your children that they are not to be making any physical contact with other students while on school property.  As a class, we discussed this as well, and talked about things we can do, such as being aware of our surroundings, keeping our hands to ourselves, and using equipment - especially on the playground - appropriately to help keep everyone safe during times of play. The students have been doing amazing work in their visual journals.  Today, we organized our symbols and emblems of Alberta page and learned how to do different kinds of lettering for out title.  We also began a background page for our About Me poems, using watercolor paints. In math, we are continuing with place value a
 IMPORTANT:  Please make sure your children are dressed appropriately for the weather as they will be outside throughout the day for Phys Ed and recess.  It's always better to have more layers than feel chilly in our unpredictable weather.   If you have not returned your paperwork, please do so as soon as possible. In math, we worked more on PLACE VALUE.  We also practiced ordering numbers from 0 to 9,999.  Finally, we reviewed EXPANDED FORM.  When you think about it, writing numbers in expanded form is actually pretty easy.  You just write the numbers like you say them. Can your child write the number 4,837 in expanded form?  (Secret Question) Today we read chapter 6 of our novel, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.  Boy that Fudge sure gets himself into trouble!  He can't even go shoe shopping without causing some form of embarrassment for the family.  We are having lots of discussions around how each of the characters feels about the important events in each chapter.  What will

Busy, Busy, Busy!

IMPORTANT:  Please turn in you paperwork package as soon as possible.  Remember tomorrow is Friday, and dismissal is at 11:45am.  PLEASE ENSURE ALL OF YOUR CHILD'S BELONGINGS ARE LABELED.  We are finding things on a daily basis and do not always know who to return them to. Ms. Kelly's Characters had another fantastic day!  Here is a summary of all of the things we worked on: Literacy:  We have been practicing HOMOPHONES, focusing on 'your' and 'you're'.  Students are being encouraged to say "you are" to themselves in the sentence to see whether or not is makes sense, before choosing their answer.  Since school started, we have written letters to our teacher and written a letter to one of the characters in our novel, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, giving them advice about how to find solutions to problems they have been facing in the book. All students have now completed a basic reading assessment, so everyone will have 1-2 books in their reading

Monday, September 8, 2020

 IMPORTANT:  All students have been given their paperwork packages to take home.  Please review the information carefully, fill out or change information as necessary, SIGN in all of the designated spots and return them to me when you can.  We would like to have all packages completed and returned by Monday, September 14th. Each morning, I will meet students up on the field by the ball diamond until further notice.  At 3:10, students will be walked to the exit doors onto the compound, and will then be free to go to whatever meeting place you have arranged. Please make sure ALL of your child's belongings are labeled.  If we find an item that does not have a name on it, it will be placed on the back shelf in the classroom until it has been reunited with its owner. I have given each child a new mask, so if they come home with one you do not recognize, it is most likely the one they chose today (and not one they traded with a friend!). We had a great day.  We did some math, began writi

September 3, 2020

REMINDERS:  Tomorrow (Friday) dismissal is 11:45.  Please ensure you have supervision in place for your child.   It was a fantastic day with everyone in class at the same time.  Even though guidelines and procedures are changing by the day, students are aware and doing their best to be on top of it all. Today we did a math assessment which will give me a good idea of where to start with skills next week.  We have had a few discussions and talked about just how BIG the number TEN THOUSAND really is. Most students have begun the good copy of their letter to me, sharing some of their likes and dislikes, favorite things, how they learn, character traits, and anything else they choose to write about to help me get to know them better.  We are almost all of the way through our Where-to-Start word tests, which will give us a starting point for reading levels.  Next week, students will be able to choose a book or two to keep in their bins, and we will try doing a switch every Monday. Our emoji

September 2, 2020

What a fantastic start to grade 4!  Students were exceptional listeners, followed directions well and were very understanding of any changes related to the current circumstances.  We all went home safe and happy! Here are a few reminders of routines for the remainder of the week: 1) I will meet students each morning (Thursday and Friday) at our spot on the hill by the base ball diamond, and walk them up to the same spot at the end of the day.  If you have arranged an alternative meeting spot, students may leave the class to go to their designated spot AFTER we have left the compound.  Any students going to First Class will be met by a staff member upon exiting the building. 2) Backpacks will be placed on the back of each student's chair and OUTDOOR will be kept under their table spot.  At the end of each day, INDOOR SHOES will be placed on their chairs.  We will have a different plan in place once the cold/wet weather hits. 3) Students are asked to please leave all personal school